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My Story

Creative Believer

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Hi, my name is Marija! Nice to meet you!

I am proudly Serbian by origin, and a creative believer in people by choice. I was always working to prove to myself that I am better than I think, and to prove to others that they are better than they think. Sometimes I succeeded, sometimes not, but in both cases, I kept up with the journey.

That’s why it is not a surprise that I chose to become a psychologist, a trainer and a coach.


If you look at my professional path so far, it is made of islands of peaceful development  followed by  winds of desire for a recreation and change, that were taking me to completely different areas, enabling my further growth.

In my country I graduated in Psychology, obtained advanced level Certificate in Rational Emotional Behavioral therapy at the Albert Ellis Institute, and completed Master studies in the area of Management of Human Resources. As a first working experience, I had an amazing privilege to work in the world of NGO’s while supporting the projects aimed to help children with disabilities and elderly people. This period taught me, apart from project management and training delivery, a lot about kindness and importance to make a difference. And how a little from you can mean a lot to someone.

My Story: About Me

You can, you should, and if you are brave enough to start, you will!

Stephen King

My Story: Quote

After 4 years in Non-Profit sector, I needed a career change, so my curiosity brought me to Poland, to work in a corporate world, to start from ZERO. I was working in one of the best multinational companies, and It would be impossible to describe all precious knowledge that I gained there, occupying different positions in Human resources, from Customer service, to a leading role in Learning & Development. But what especially marked this period is reaching professional growth, expertise and maturity in the area of training delivery and design. At the same time I obtained Professional Certification in coaching from ICF accredited institute Coach Training World and gained experience as a career coach in the corporate setting.

My Story: Text

And here I am now

Lastly, after more than 6 years, my values and desires evolved again, and I became hungry for another career adventure. And here I am now, building Empowerment Coaching and Training, my dream business. Here is where I believe I can really accomplish my mission, to bring more empowerment, more sunshine, happiness, and professional fulfillment in people’s lives.

How can I support you?

My background in psychology, psychotherapy, management of human resources and coaching, together with more than 10 years of experience in training facilitation with individual contributors, leaders and trainers, and my precious experience as a proud mum have helped me to understand the needs and challenges of professionals and to define my coaching method.

As you’ve seen, I've changed my life & career quite a few times, so I’ve been where you are right now, I know what you are struggling with and I know you can get to your desired destination!

Curious on the ways how we can collaborate?

My Story: Text

Your greatest self has been waiting your whole life, don't make it wait any longer

Stephen Marbel

My Story: Quote
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